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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

10 States with the Most Foreclosure Sales

Posted by GLOZAL on June 6, 2012 at 12:30pm

Foreclosure sales are making up a bigger bulk of sales. In the first quarter of this year, sales of homes in some stage of foreclosure accounted for 26 percent of all residential sales, which is up from 22 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, according to RealtyTrac’s latest foreclosure report.
But in some housing markets, foreclosures are making up an even bigger bulk of sales. For example, in Nevada, foreclosure sales made up 56 percent of all residential sales in the first quarter—the highest percentage in the country when compared to any other state.
According to RealtyTrac’s first quarter report, the following are the 10 states with the highest percentage of foreclosure sales.
Nevada: Foreclosure sales accounted for 56% of all residential sales
California: 47% of all residential sales
Georgia: 46% of all residential sales
Arizona: 40% of all residential sales
Michigan: 39% of all residential sales
Illinois: 31% of all residential sales
Colorado: 30% of all residential sales
Wisconsin: 28% of all residential sales
Oregon: 27% of all residential sales
Minnesota: 27% of all residential sales